I Work for a London based IT Support Company and have done so for the last several years, during this time my company has spent literally thousands of pounds ensuring all the staff get the latest qualifications so we can be a ”certified partner” of various IT related industries. And what do the customers think? Well I can tell you from speaking with our sales staff that 75% of potential clients couldn’t care less when it comes to certification. The old one liner of “we are Microsoft Gold Certified” just doesn’t cut it in this day and age with clients, their perspective on things is that all IT support companies are capable of doing the same job; they just want the cheapest one.
Getting qualifications from companies such as Microsoft isn’t cheap; we pay a pretty penny to be Microsoft gold certified. But don’t get me wrong, being certified does have its benefits’ internally as we get access to resources that wouldn’t normally be available and we get discounts on software etc etc. At the end of the day I will keep our engineers qualified as it feel it reflects well on us as a company. Although I have full confidence in my engineers, getting them to sit exams does keep them on their toes and that can only benefit everyone.